Please Call Me — I Don’t Bite
I hope this answers most of your questions. If not, please send an e-mail on the form below or leave me a Voicemail message, and I will respond as quickly as possible. I am always willing to spend up to a half-hour discussing your situation without charge, and will always let you know before the “meter starts running”. If I cannot help you with your business, I will be only too happy to refer you to a qualified professional in your area without charge, obligation or “referral fee” of any kind.
Good luck in your business, and in all your endeavors!
Who are my typical clients:
- people buying into franchises;
- people starting up retail stores, service businesses and consulting practices;
- people starting up home based businesses;
- people forming LLCs, corporations, and other small business entities;
- people selling or buying an existing small business or professional practice;
- doctors, dentists, architects, engineers, and other self-employed professionals;
- technology driven enterprises in the information technology, electronics and telecommunications industries;
- entertainment, publishing and other media enterprises dealing with intellectual property (such as trademarks and copyrights); and
- people negotiating severance packages with former employers, including “noncompete” and other restrictive agreements.